Reminders As We Walk this Path Together
We are not meant to walk alone. These posts are here to encourage you along the way. Hear from our staff and our Renewal Coaches who have words here to encourage your walk to become a 6:3 Disciple.
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Worship-Based Prayer
Daniel Henderson
One challenge that many saints face today is a lack of discipleship or training in prayer, especially leading others in prayer. While there are several

What is an Acts 6:3 Disciple?
The 6:3 Discipleship

The Holy Spirit’s Power to Transform Your Emotions
Daniel Henderson

What Enters Your Mind When You Think About the Holy Spirit?
Justin Jeppesen

What is Your Go-To?
Ricky Cassford

Living With Strength, Courage, and Fearlessness
Jeremiah Porter

Wisdom that Revolutionizes Relationships
Daniel Henderson

Holy Spirit Lingo = Common but Consequential Confusion
Daniel Henderson

The Very Personal Power of the Holy Spirit
Daniel Henderson

A Heart for Pastors
Tony Brown

Waiting on God
Alice Moss

A Three-Legged Stool for Extraordinary Prayer
Daniel Henderson

The REAL Wisdom We All Need
Daniel Henderson

What to Do When You Feel God Is Wasting Time
Marco David

Worship, Work, and Wonder
Sandy Robertson

How the Spirit Ignites Our Supplication
Daniel Henderson

A Deeper Foundation
Jim Maxim

The Call To Ministry
Dennis Henderson

Transforming Our Prayer Requests
Daniel Henderson

Which Picture Are You?
Lindsay Taylor

The Most Practical Thing We Can Do
Aaron Telecky

Why Am I Here?
Brenda Brown

How Bad Do You Want It?
Bill Elliff

The Fruit of Transforming Prayer
Daniel Henderson
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